These are some of my very first explorations with the human form and also with linen and embroidery. I then found myself exploring the possibilities of painting with fiber reactive dye and adding objects to the fabric such as beads to bring in more dimension and visual intrigue. I also began exploring how different ways of printing the silhouette could change the overall meaning and feeling of the piece.
Welcome to the official website of the Burnett family. It will enable discovery of related matters and advice on. Which may be of interest. Which we hope that members will use. For those of you unfamiliar with how a Forum works, full. Going back to before the Norman Conquest,.
The Official website of the Clan Hay. Welcome to the website of the Clan Hay Society. Arms of the Earl of Erroll, as painted by Don Pottinger. For full details on membership of the Clan Hay Society, click here.
com, a website for people looking for walking routes on Deeside in Scotland. At present there are 13 walks to choose from, from around Ballater and Loch Kinord - and with more walks added regularly. Muir of Dinnet, Little Ord trail. This walk passes the 1000 year old Kinord Stone. Burn o Vat car park, B9119. Ok, along good foot paths, Land Rover tracks or roads.
Welcome to Clan Farquharson UK. Find out more about us.
The Highland Clans of Scotland. The Association of Highland Clans and Societies. Founded in 2013 in the Royal Burgh of Inverness,. The Capital City of the Scottish Highlands. Clans and Individuals interested in joining will find an Application Form at the bottom of The Association. 2013 Association of Highland Clans and Societies.
House of Gordon USA! We are the families of the Scottish Clan Gordon in the United States of America. Our mission is to preserve. And promote our unique heritage and Celtic culture, as we enjoy the fellowship and support of family and. Come Join Us at the Gordon Tent! The Gordon name is synonymous with the rich history of Scotland and dates back to the 11th Century. Invites you to join our Clan Society. Provides scholarships to aid our. And cultural heritage as well.
COME JOIN US AT THE GORDON TENT! Thanks to Jerry Vandenberg for hosting the Gordon tent at the National Tartan Day event in Alexandria! Also to Jackie Gordon for hosting the Gordon tent at Rural Hill Loch Norman Highland Games and to Frank and. Diane Gordon for assisting her! Hanks to all those who came out to the Southern Maryland, Frederick Maryland and Fairhill Games! Blast at each of these events with a good turn out of Gordons each time, especially at Fairhill.